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University of Cincinnati Bearcat Named 2022 National Champion from the UCA College Nationals

Insider Justin

During January, many colleges head down to the ESPN World Wide of Sports and compete in the UCA College Nationals. As part of the selection process to compete in the Finals, Mascots must submit a Mascot Entry Tape to the UCA. This video must contain things that show the UCA how the Mascots impact their College spirit. The video must include Involvement with Sports Events, Community Events, and more. The videos are judged and scored by a team, and the Mascots with the highest scores are invited to perform a Final Skit at the ESPN World Wide of Sports.

Bearcat from the University of Cincinnati scored Second Place in that Video Submission and Aubie the Tiger made it a tie. Below, you can see Bearcat’s video. 

Both Bearcat and Aubie were invited to compete in the Finals for the 2022 Division IA Mascot Title. On January 15, all selected Mascots performed a skit that they've created on their own, and the biggest score wins. I was fortunate and took some time to head over to the ESPN World Wide of Sports and watch these college Mascots compete for that title. Let me tell you, all these college Mascots and their outstanding Cheer Teams did an amazing job. It was so much fun getting to see all the cheering. We've attached a preview video of the Skit that Bearcat performed.

As you can see, it's tons of fun for the college Mascots and it for sure causes lots of fun crowd engagement. After all Mascots performed, the results take some time to come. So while waiting, the Mascots came out on the stage and did a little more dancing, with fans and college cheer teams cheering on their Mascot. We've posted a little clip of that blow.

During my time, I happened to sit by Cincinnati Cheer Team. As results were being called, it was a very nerve-racking time for all the students and fans. Once the Second Place winner was announced, which was The University of Tennessee’s Smokey, it was time to hear the First Place winner. Even I stood up and cheered as Bearcat was officially named 2022 National Champion for the Division IA Mascot. It was an exciting moment for the entire team as this was Bearcat's first-ever award for that division. I've attached that Video below.

We are grateful to have seen this all occur live. And we want to congratulate all the Mascots for their hard work during this week's competition. Mascot Insider's passion is to cover things like this, and we think all Mascots are excellent and love what they do.

We look forward to covering this event again. And check all the rest of the fantastic photos we took and the video below.


Click here for the FULL Results of the Mascots from Both Divisions

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