Mascot Interviews
3 articles in this category
Mascot Interviews Is Back and Mascot Insider is pleased to present an interview with Top Gunner the official mascot for the West Texas Warbirds take a read below. Can you tell the Fans a little about your Self and how you became to be the Mascot for Warbird Football Team? I'm Bishop Greene aka Mascot Sensei and I've been a mascot entertainer for over 20 years. I've entertained masses from high school to my collegiate days as Sammy the Bearkat for Sam Houston State. As semi-pro/ professional en
Mascot Insider is excited to present another Mascot Interview this time we are interviewing Chompers from the Yartford Yard Goats his pal Caden helped with the answers check them out below! What is a Favorite Skit you've done in the Past? My favorite skit I’ve done was a WWE style royal rumble with 10 other mascots at a hockey game. It was in a big inflatable wrestling wring we all got in and once the bell rang everyone went at it. I had a WWE championship belt with the Hartford yardgoats lo
Mascot Insider is Pleased to have a Chat with The Hubbard Eagle, and His Pal Isaac has helped provide the answers. We hope you enjoy this Interview! What is a Favorite Skit you've done in the Past? My favorite skit would have to be those at Christmas time! The Eagle brings many gifts to basketball games during the holiday season; a favorite is giving some of Hubbard’s favorite older community members coal for Christmas, while kids can go home with teddy bears, dolls, and even Eagle Plushies.